Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Part 3 Astrology of State elections in Maharashtra and Haryana & BJPs fortunes

On our wordpress site also accessible by  and on this blog we have posted predictions. as part 1 (Haryana) and part 2(Maharashtra)

We seek to minimize risk to predictions by using various different  methods.One of the mistakes we repeaedly  made in predicting seats was to assume that winning party will get no more than X seats in order not to "waste" our energies on testing unreasonable winning margins. We were proved wrong because in recent elections in last 3 years  Bihar Tamil Nadu West Bengal Rajasthan and even MP winning parties won by thumping margin beyond the assumed limit.

We have decided not to repeat that mistake.So we have assumed  BJP or opposition(clubbed together) can win any number of seats in Maharashtra. The results are posted in part 2  of our predictions.The same has not been done for Haryana.

In this part we look at astrological factors to see if our Tarot predictions might be close to results due on october 19

We have often alluded to role of  Mars in BJPs charts as lord of 6th and 11 house doubling its negativity.Transits of  Mars in 6 7 houses over last few months may explain both byelection losses and parting with  allies.

Now Mars is in 7 house.Can it harm BJP propsects.Good news is Mars is about to move to Capricorn =BJPs 8th housebut more importantly BJP is running on October 19 dasha of Sun Jupiter Venus Jupiter Jupiter on October 19. More importantly it is running Sun Mahadasha.But no  Mars sub period in any form.Hence effect of  Mars may be negligible o r non existent.

Further we make mistake of looking at horoscope where as navamasa chart is also useful.This chart confirms good times for  BJP- a good break from recent reverses.

Internet has no reliable data on  Nitin Gadkari horoscope or Uddhav thackeray to tighten our astro analysis

But Tarot offers glimmer of hope for Nitin Gadkari as CM. BJP likely to get majority on its own or fall shaor by 15-20 seats and may get smaller allies as support.

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