Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Will Netanyahu win another terms in Isarel election 2015 anAstology Tarot Prediction

Prime minister Netanyahu's horoscope by internet base data of Oct 21 1949 10.15 am presents  an astrological challenge because his Scorpio ascendent is virtually slipping in to Sagittarius ascendent and anyone who follows his policy and personal actions and life may confuse him for a Sanitarian

We have already tweeted at @Sujatkamal that inspite of negative opinion polls he may scrape through with another win.At The very least we can say given his strong chart and currently politically favourable planetary period his political career is far far from over as events following Israel election 2015 results may show.

We also drew tarot cards to see the chances of each of 3 main candidates becoming the next PM of Israel

Cards shown are in order of  Netanyahu, Herzog and Tipni and appearance of  Magician points to his high chances of being next PM or calling the shots in final decision making

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