Tuesday, July 03, 2012

#Monsoon Rain propsects in India-prediction for July and beyond

please read Monsoon prediction posted for June here  on www.worldofpredictions.blogspot.com. also see mobile site http://mWoP.in which will be loaded with many useful predictions for traders and non traders in days ahead ( can be accesed also as http://mTIPS.in and http://mwop.param.mobi in case of problem with shorter url address)

also see www.worldofpredictions.blogspot.com for the following  prediction

 Prediction of Trend (if any) in Global financial and commodity markets for next 3 months ( to be posted around July 10)

Monsoon outlook in India and elsewhere

July based on Indian horoscope and transits of planets  indicates better rains but still below MET predictions and earlier forecasts.It is more likely and possible that best rains may come very late in end-August and September

In some parts of India and especially in neighbouring countries at least rains may continue to cause much damage

so certain areas of India will see marked improvement but way below expectations and normal July average

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