Saturday, July 07, 2012

Prediction series-Global Financial Markets in next 3 months July-Sep-Part 1 #djia #sp500

 Prediction Series -Next 3 Months of Global Financial Markets

Part 1-how will US stock markets fare over July-September 2012

This prediction swill followed with Prediction of several currency pairs involving the Euro to sense direction and developments in Europe and Euro to be posted on 

and mobile site or 

 US Stock Markets closed by end of June at DJI 12880,Nasdaq 2935 and SP500 1263

US jobs report yesterday shows  job markets in a rut while many Central banks have cut rates to boost their economies.

Our predictive model indicates that

  1.  US markets as indicated by key indices may still end with gains over June closing
  2. No upswing and downswing except that...
  3. Markets may see lower/st values by August when buying can be done
  4. Market likely to  recover from current corrections in 2nd phase of July but that will be illusory
  5. Would recommend buying in August or Early Sepember when dowjones  hits 11900  approx
  6. Short markets on recovery of  200-300(all nos involved are guesstimates) points  on djia index relative to July 6 closing
  7. Recovery to be sharpest in 2nd half of September

Please read the entire prediction series covering key stock markets,currencies,commdodities to get where where may be headed over these 3 crucial  months.

disclaimer: we have extended thetarot card model successfully tested for intra and monthly/weekly prediction to a 3 month horizon.this prediction model will not pick up sharp corrections and sharp upswings that fizzle out in matter of few days.Buy Weekly or Monthly or Day prediction now to get better sense of market over a shorter horizon starting at $4-9.see mobile site


Recent posts

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see also mobile site which can be accessed soon as or for many predictions that will be uploaded next week

See blog for detailed predictions

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