Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Future of Aam Aadmi Party of Arvind Kejriwal and team #FB


                                                       Horoscope chart of Aam AAdmi Party (uploaded Dec 7,2012)
(Since this article was written as first quick astrological reaction to Aam Aadmi party launch,new material will be added in Green(date ) mostly at end of main article

Future of Aam Aadmi Party of Arvind Kejriwal and Team -first astrology based impressions and predictions

Remember what Apple iPhone did for the Mobile smartphone market? effects are still unfolding and no one has quite caught up with the leader- pioneer-effects of aam aadmi party on politics on this country may be similar-Watch the effects of competition creating political product called Aam Aadmi party on political landscape in years to come

It is debatable what date  and time should  be chosen  for creating birth chart of AAM AADMI party –date on which it was launched for public, registration date, or day of first announcement of intent.We chose first as it took birth for public view, scrutiny
-something similar to birth of child-its date of birth is its day or arrival on earth, not date of registration nor date of conception.

Hence we have based  Birth Chart of AAm Aadmi party launched by Arvind Kejriwal and team   on date of November 26.2012 and time 11 am

Quick Review of Features and possibilities

1 Success in political Endeavour is driven primarily by Saturn and Sun.Success also depends on planets in quadrants namely-1,4,7,10 houses-AAP party is displaying strong features and possibilities onthis and several other accounts

2.No chart is free from defect and almost every  positive feature has a negative side and vice versa- otherwise person need be born on earth.But we will focus on positives of this new launched party

3.AAMAADMI party is running mahadasha of Venus-Venus-lords of fifth and tenth houses placed in 10 house-another great positive
Major dasha with changing sub dashas will run for next 20 years.Thus Venus Venus wil be followed by Venus-Ketu Venus  Mars and so on of about 2-3 years each

4.Ascendent of party is Capricorn known for steadfastness, perseverance which will go well with party’s challenging agenda

5..Most powerful and promising feature of horoscope is placement of Exalted Saturn in 10 house of  Libra with Mercry,Venus-making for powerful and constant commitment for justice,using new & appealing and unrelenting fight for justice for masses
This also ensures huge success since 7 lord moon is in 4th house. Party will reach out to public with logic and emotional appeal

6Party will taste its first success-grand success confounding all political cynics with their astounding success in delhi elections 2013.it remains to be seem if delhi elections may be called with general elections in 2013 itself

7 partys main source of funding will remain foreign-NRIS,foreign rganzations and AAM AADMI must work to create internal crowd based funding so it is not dependent on any major source for funding nor accused

8AAP must be careful in land deals including that of its office bearers

9All in all great success awaits for this Aam AAdmi driven party of team of arvind kejriwal because both planetary configurations of birth chart and dashas at present and for next several years and transits overwhelmingly favour success.

Horoscope of AAm aadmi party can be analysed in many ways like any other horoscope-one very useful approach to gauge strength promise is see horoscope from Moon ( horoscope can also be seen from key planetory significators but with decreasing weights.Seen from Moon sign aam Aadmi party as promise of political change is further strengthened as several key planets-lords of 9,10,5,2,7 houses are placed in powerful 7 house

Aam Aadmi party promises many innovations-from political/election funding to range of laws that impact quality of life.We have not analysed divisional horoscopes as  their accuracy is dependent on accuracy is dependent on birth time.However conjuction of Jupiter-Ketu in fifth houses,condition of 10,11 houses promises great role of masses,quest for justice. ( added Nov 29,2012) 

(Nov 30)-While I am far from convinced abut any cause effect relation of numerology or even its effcetiveness- a point to be noted is India's destiny with number 26-good or bad.List of events range from Republic Day to Earthquake,rains,terrorist events in Gujarat,Mumbai and elsehwere.AamAadmi party also happens to be launched on Nov 26-yet another 26 in long list of imporatant Destiny events in history of India.

Role of quadrant houses-seen from ascendent or moon play key role in success and can be seen as very important in horoscope of politicians and those involved in political movements- from Mahatma Gandhi to Rajiv Gandhi,Hitler and Indira Gandhi.The case of Rajiv Gandhi & role of quadrant houses is specially worth mentioning in case of RG.While Sanjay Gandhi tried hard to be Leader of this country,destiny intervened  differently in case of two Gandhi brothers.RG has most of planets in quadrants making possible application of rare branch of astrology called Mandooka (frog) dasha system. because planets seem to jump places like a frog.and are placed in 1,4,7,10 houses.We all know how destiny worked in case of RG-he became PM without experience,without much effort- that illustrates power of right planets in quadrant houses

(dec 7) Various karaks esp Atmakarak(mercury),amtyakarak(jupiter),Putrakarak(venus) point to great possibilies of power and innovations in field of politics.Lords of 9 in 10(mercury retrograde) with lord of tenth(venus),condition of tenth houses.However enemies could easily infiltrate its ranks and hence must be circumscpect to filter people in key posts,kins and their associations with other politicians.parties

Please read this article in conjunction with oft indicated importance of years 2012-2015 for anticorruption movements and full article and  importance of these years astrologically( article on which is delayed  )

We  will carry out quick recap of Financial prediction for 2012 and how many were correct in December
These prediction for world stock markets,commodity markets,forex markets were posted in January 2012 on youtube channel
And also on this blog

Buy full year 2013 predictions for stock markets of India,US,World( summary),Gold,Silver,Forex (EurUSD orInd Re-USD or INREur) for Rs 3000.contact 0091-9911698256.


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