Friday, December 07, 2012

Aam aadmi Party,Rare Astrological events & Corruption,systemic changes #FB

The years 2013 and 2014 are loaded with planetary significance because some rare plantetary configurations occur during his periond.However since slow moving planets-Saturn,Jupiter and Rahu are involved-heir effects will be felt(is being felt) before actual formations and will be in effect even after 2014-15.-These changes both negative(seeming) and positive will cause deep changes in countries,organizations and society.We have been alluding to these effects in past tweets and blogs posts.Whie negative predictions are not recommended i am of the view negative predictions  can be made in certain cases where there is possibility of mitigating mass karma that may be fructify

Between 2012-2014 Jupiter and Saturn will enter their houses of exaltation.These planets along with Rahu-Ketu are extremely important in karmic unfolding of destiny of people,nations.However these planets will be in exaltation around same time in 2014 along with several smaller planets for a brief time.Rarity of this event I have mentioned in past posts- this rare transit happens every 200-300years and may not happen in long time.Last known combination by my calculation was around American War of Independence and Spanish Armada.-clearly indicating some some very important war  will be fought.

Conjunction of Saturn and Rahu about to occur shortly in house of Libra (justice,beauty etc) ( as an aside and less importantly- I would predict World  Pageant beauties could be from rare/surpise countries- it has already been from China subject to correction)

Effects of such transits/conjunctions start occurring before the actual transit and remain after immediate transit to another house.Astrologers should look at rich set of possibilities that are about to unfold

1. Likelihood of  stampede in religious congregations-One such possibility ( strengthened by occurrence of similar events) is Possibility of Stampede in religious congregations-Hence authorities should take special measures during coming Maha Kumbha 2013 to mitigate effects of possible mass karma that may unfold. Recent stampede in chat Puja and another one before that pointer to such an astrological possibility during Kumbha and similar events.List of possibilities is not easily exhausted as planets and houses have rich variety of meanings/interpretations

2. Anticorruption movemeents in various forms will make great progress-Effect on India’s anticorruption movement and Political situation-This is subject where I want to focus..Both these planets along with special condition of Rahu during these years 2012-2014 indicate that quest for justice and equality will be greatly speeded up and clansing of system will begin.Please see my previous post on prediction about Aam Aadmi Party.Results of key elections o f  Loksabha and Delhi elections etc will see marked progress in favour of parties who have been working on anticorruption issues sincerely in the past –in some form or other as in case of Aam aadmi party.People will be drawn in to big agitation on unprecedented scale-it is difficult to say whether mass movements will be led by Anna Hazare or Baba Ramdev or Arvind  Kejriwal or all of them. Notice that Lokpal bill now better than previous versions is likely to be passed during this transit after effort over more than four decades.If aam Aadmi party focuses on winning Delhi/Loksabha they could make surprising progress- as their own chart indicates relatively easy accession to power as a result of past good karma with propoor people/ IAC movement.Many more scams (possibly in judiciary) could come in open

Judiciary itself will see big structural change and it will be dramatically pro poor.

3. Implications for Justice oriented struggles/organizations- There is rich set of possibilities and no one can predict even percentage of them.My list of Predictions include significant changes in UN making it equitable in terms of influence,Liberation of many countries from cruel regimes/systems like Syria.But my biggest prediction is Significant pro democratic changes will be set in motion in China in next 2-3 years-another Russia in Making? Possibility of real break through in climate change negotiations 

After posting this article i have searched and looked at birth chart of Republic of China (oct 1,1949 time 15.01 pm Beijing) and convinced of deep changes in China starting over next 2-3 years-either led by people or enlightened Government Heads of State-another perestroika/Glasnost in making?

4.War-Possibility of war like situation  looms for India

5. Birth of a great soul-Avataar??- planet ( in sep 2014 will see many planets in exaltation around same time- very rare and such rarity was observed in horoscope of Lord  Rama and other great souls.However such a prediction cannot be confimed many years after its occurrence-all the more reason you shouldn’t rush home during 2013 ( small change in time of birth can produce devils instead of saints)

Further predictions will be added in Green with dates of editions

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