Friday, December 12, 2014

Who will win Japan Elections,State lections in Jharkhand Jammu & Kashmir India -Predictions

Do read our recent blog post below "Astrology based test-Can you Sing?

Ok on to our  Tarot Astrology based prediction for  Japan Elections (results December 14)and Indian states of  Jharkhand and Kashmir(December 2 results)

Quick method used based on Tarot for these entities have already been tweeted.In Japan's case detailed prediction also done. and will not change.Detailed prediction for 2 Indian states will be done and may override these results.Though based on  my current predictions which for some unknown reason i find very persuasive, are unlikely to change dramatically even after detailed predictions

Japan Elections:Snap elections called in Japan by PM Abe on December 14.Most opinion polls giving him 300 seats on 480 Diet parliament.

Our Tarot card model based predictions came to 2 estimates 210 and 262 seats and with some very repetitive persuasive cards appealing for 262 estimates.

As a new approach of '"tied" prediction we tested Tarot for further light on probabilities for above two of our target predictions.Cards suggested Abe led LDP to win close to 262 seats-with error of 5 seats on downside- 257.Let us wait for the actual results

2. Indian state elections in Jharkhand(81 seats) and  Jammu and Kashmir(87 seats)

Quick Tarot approach suggests Majority in  Jharkhand and missing majority by good margin in J&K.Our Tarot card based approach which may not change much even with full Tarot based elections-Prediction Model suggest BJP may get 48-49 seats in Jharkhand state perhaps its best ever results and about 33-34 in J&K again its best ever result but below expectations of BJP hoping for a BJP govt in JK

What are indications from astrology? BJP chart(not produced here) and December 23 chart for results day planetary configuration gives a very interesting picture

Key planets of ascendent,2,3,4 houses  are in  BJP's 7 house.Jupiter lord of 10 is retrograde and mutual aspects of destructive 6/11 lord Mars.Ketu in 9th house of BJP is in 10 house now.

Art of Astrology as in Tarot apart from technical knowledge lies in integrating diverse astrological data in to a clear prediction.In case of  BJP prospects on december 23 results are mixed. on December 23 BJP is running Sun-Jupiter-Mars- Rahu dasha.Note the last 2 planets.Another astrology enigma to be noted.How can a party do well in one state do badly elese where and have mixed results in other places with same planetary configuration on given day.The answer is lies in khatha meetha (sweet sour bitter) taste of different planets that are powerful and relevant on that day

This translates in to mixed results even though BJP showing will be good.  Politics could see hectic maneuvering and search for partners.We interpret this as being consistent with Tarot based results.Since BJP unlikely to get majority in both states and miss majority in both.also unlikely to get majority in JK and missing it in Jharkhand

Hence we see BJP govt in  Jharkhand and struggle for Govt formation in  Jammu and  Kashmir.Past astrology based article on JK in june july predicted major changes in J & K for next few years and this results will be one of key pieces in changes predicted to unfold there


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